How to Make Bendy Candles (8 Steps) | Tutorial (2024)

How to Make Bendy Candles (8 Steps) | Tutorial (1)

Bendy candles are a creative and fun way to add some light to your home. They are also a great product for those looking for an easy DIY project or small business opportunity. There are many questions about how bendy candles work, how they’re made, and how you can get the best deal on them. In this article, we answer these questions so that you have all the information necessary before purchasing one of these amazing products!

Table of Contents

What are bendy candles?

Bendy candles are, as the name suggests, a candle that can be bent and shaped into different shapes. Unlike traditional wax or pillar candles, bendy memories do not have to be burned at an upright position in order for them to work. They can also be made using any type of wax including soy-based for eco-friendly purposes!

How do I make them?

Step one: pick the right candles

The type of bendy candle you use will typically depend on the function it’s meant for. For example, if you’re looking to create a centerpiece or decorative piece for your dining room table then white wax is probably best as it can be painted with any color using water-based paint.

If this doesn’t interest you, how about making some candles that are perfect for an event such as a wedding? You could use pastels and insert creative motifs like hearts or flowers!

Step two: decide how many shapes you want to make

Next, let’s talk about how much wax you need for each shape- this can depend on how big or small the object is that you’re making but I found three lbs per candle was just fine (especially if using soy-based). This way I had extras leftover should I have needed them later

Step three: soften your candle

How to Make Bendy Candles (8 Steps) | Tutorial (2)
To make candles go into different shapes, you need to soak them in hot water. My beeswax candles took about 10 minutes in the water before they were ready to shape.

Read also: How to Make Pillar Candles (9 Steps)

To soak, take a pan or pitcher to the sink and get the tap water as hot as you can handle. Fill it halfway and place candles in the container so they are submerged but not too deep. Continue letting a slow and steady flow of hot water flow while the candles soak.

Step four: test

When you take your candles out of the water, they will be very pliable and perfect for shaping. Before working with them anymore though, it’s best to test how soft they are by placing a sheet of paper under one end and slowly pushing down on the other until it bends in half. If it is not bendy enough then return to step two!

Step five: twist your candle

When the wax is soft, you can start to shape it into the desired shape. Keep the candle underwater while you do this to keep it warm.

To intertwine two or more candles, hold them together in your hands and twist your hands one way then the other. If the candles are really soft, you can make a tight twist.

To make a snake coil, wrap the candle around a pen or spoon. Thin tapers are easier to shape but might break more easily. Longer tapers are best for making different shapes.

If you break your candle while bending it, it means that the candle was not heated up enough. Put the candle in hot water for a few minutes then try to smooth out the cracks with your fingers.

Step six: flatten the bottom

If you want your candles to stand on their own, press them onto a flat surface while they are still warm.

You can flatten the bottom of a candle with this. Make sure you do it so that the candle will stand up on its own.

Step seven: allow the candle to set

After you’ve shaped the candle how you want it, let it sit for a while to allow any excess water or air bubbles to escape and your design will be more secure.

If you’re using beeswax then allow about an hour of setting time before decorating with paint.

Step eight: decorate your candles

Light the tealight candles so they can melt while you wait for your other candles to harden.

Once the candle wax melts, sprinkle it over the candles.


Thought we’d answer this question for you. #candleburning #bendycandle #FestiveFashion #twistycandles #decor #useful

♬ Dreams (2004 Remaster) – Fleetwood Mac

The Best Materials for Making a Great Candle

Some of the best materials for making candles include wax, wicks, and artificial dyes.

Wax is one of the most important ingredients in a candle because it provides the fuel to create light. Beeswax or soy-based are great options as they have low melting points so anything you make will be easy to meltdown again if necessary!

The type of dye you use will depend on how natural your candle looks: this can range from food coloring (for those who want something pastel) to watercolor paint (if what’s desired is a more vibrant look). Wicks provide the support that ensures flames stay lit and how long these last depends on how often they’re used.

Read also: How To Start a Candle Making Business

FAQs about making your own bendy candles

Bendy candles are a simple and satisfying craft project. We have put together the best tips, tricks, and tutorials for making your own bendy candles in the house.! Note: All of these instructions should be used with caution – keep all materials away from open flames or burning incense as they can easily catch on fire if not careful.

How should I choose my wax?

Waxes can be purchased from craft stores or home improvement retailers and come in an array of scents, colors, shapes, and sizes. In general, we recommend using soy candles as they are biodegradable by design which is good for the environment!

They also burn longer than traditional paraffin-based brands so you’ll get more use out of them before needing to reorder – some manufacturers offer bulk discounts at this point if you’re looking to buy several boxes worth at once!

What’s the best way to store unused wax when waiting for other supplies?

Don’t throw away leftover wax because there are plenty of neat ways to reuse it later on. Put it in an old candle jar for later use, or melt the wax and pour it onto a plate to create sheets that can be cut up into shapes.

We recommend checking out the five best candle jar sets in this review.

What is the best type of wick?

The better types are made from cotton so they’ll produce more light without getting as hot.

Where should I sell my homemade products online?

If you’re looking to make a profit on your homemade products, there are many different platforms available for selling. For example, Etsy is an option that’s popular among crafters because they offer handmade goods exclusively and require sellers to provide their own photographs of the product (which can be uploaded instantly!).

If it doesn’t seem like Etsy would suit how you want to sell your items then consider making use of sites such as eBay or Amazon Marketplace which allow people to advertise whatever they have lying around!

It’s worth noting how these websites take a percentage commission but with each one offering something unique in terms of how they display content, this won’t matter too much when trying to find where best-suited for posting your listings.


We hope you enjoyed learning about how to make bendy candles. If so, please share this article with your friends and family on social media or in person! You can also subscribe below for more DIY candle-making tutorials like the one above. Thanks for reading!

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How to Make Bendy Candles (8 Steps) | Tutorial (10)

Carole Brooks

Carole Brooks has been making candles for many years. She loves to create candles of all different types and for all different purposes. Here she shares her experience and knowledge. Carole is a graduate of Texas A&M University.

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How to Make Bendy Candles (8 Steps) | Tutorial (2024)


What is the 8 10 rule for candles? ›

The 8-10 Rule: Place one 8 ounce candle for every 10 feet radius of room. It's a good rule of thumb to follow the 8-10 rule to ensure your candle scent permeates the entire room equally.

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Or customize the outside of a pillar candle with pressed flowers, burlap, or twine tied into a bow.
  1. Gather your supplies. ...
  2. Prepare your candle container. ...
  3. Melt your wax. ...
  4. Position your wick. ...
  5. Add fragrance oil. ...
  6. Pour the wax. ...
  7. Let your wax set.
Jun 22, 2023

How do you make fluffy candles? ›

To whip candle wax, you simply need to melt the wax and let it start cooling. It will start getting opaque and begin setting up along the sides of your container. Once the wax has reached this stage, simply begin whipping it until it forms peaks that hold their shape.

How do you make a ghost candle? ›

Let's make these adorable ghost candles in a deep pan, add some hot water with some wax candlesticks. After a few minutes, they get bendy, so you can make whatever ghost shape you'd like. Isn't this so cool? And then with a black sharpie, we are putting a little ghost face on it.

What is the 84 rule for candles? ›

After you choose your candle wax type, Armatage Candle Company recommends that beginners follow the 84-candle rule. In other words, make 84 candles to build your skill with the craft. Then give all of them away and take in feedback and any other valued learnings.

How do you make fun shaped candles? ›

  1. Step 1 – Measure and Melt Your Wax. ...
  2. Step 2 – Prepare Your Containers. ...
  3. Step 3 – Add Your Dye. ...
  4. Step 4 – Prepare The Wax For Your Shapes. ...
  5. Step 5 – Add Your Fragrance Oil. ...
  6. Step 6 – Pour The Wax Into The Containers & Mould. ...
  7. Step 7 – Embed The Shapes Into The Base. ...
  8. Step 8 – Trim The Wick & Enjoy!
Apr 9, 2021

How do you bend pillar candles? ›

Warm your hands under the hot water before grabbing your first candle, then reach in the water and gently start to bend the candle at its thickest part. If it bends easily, the wax is ready; if not, let it soak for a few more minutes.

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To find how much wax you will need, multiply the number of candles you are making by the amount of wax it will hold, and then divide that by 20. For example, if you want to make 30 - 8 ounce candles the math would be as follows: 30 (containers) x 8 (oz per container) = 240 total ounces / 20 = 12 lbs wax needed.

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.